Saturday, January 7, 2017

The "new" Starbucks reward, just how much is that free menu item?

Before:  12 transaction than received 1 free drink.   If every morning you buy 1 tall coffee (around $2.05 include tax) X 12 times, you will have spent $24.60 and can get free drink, say $10 is your drink (I use $10 as an example so we can compare to the new reward, of course you can do lot better example 1, example 2 ).

After 4/12/2016 the "new" reward for free drink is to earn 125 stars than get free menu item.  That is 2 stars per $1 spent.      Example you buy tall coffee $2.05 so you'll receive 4.10 stars.  If you don't do the bonus or the "challenges" you'll have to spend $62.50 before getting your free menu item, OUCH!

What?!?   Don't worry there are many target offers (or challenges) where you buy a few target item and earn bonus stars.  I usually go for bonus that are 150 stars.

Example:  buy 3 target items and get 150 stars.

5.74. sandwich
4.64. Espresso
4.32. Latte

$14.70 x 2 stars/$1= 29.4 stars + 150 bonus stars = 179.4 stars (more than what you need to receive a free drink)

$14.70 / 179.4 stars = $0.08 per star

If you work backward 150 stars * $0.08 per star = $10

In conclusion, if you do the challenges you can reach 125 stars pretty fast!   A quick way to think about the challenge if you can get about 8 cents per star that is a good reward!   Double star day (you get 4 stars per $1) is really a weak reward  :)

I should include  as one of place I got my info on Starbucks :)

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