After trying to learn more about this Market America from the wife... it didn't lead me anywhere... but I did hear some buzzword which I wrote it down... UnFranchise, residual income, BV (business volume), IBV, business center...
I decided to googling the buzzwords and found my own answer. Here are the "numbers" I got from online search (I cross check with the credit card bills).
Annual membership Fee $129.95 the first year and then $99.95 each year thereafter. This option allows you to leverage your time and participate in the Management Performance Compensation Plan (MPCP) and earn residual income commission by building 2 teams of business partners. **uhm, why does this seem to form a shape also known as MLM**
web portal $20 monthly, so you can have web site which has ULR
50 BV monthly of personal volume - "this equates to about $60 - $70 depending upon the items you are using". "Remember, each product has its own BV value assigned to it, but on average BV is 80% of $Cost. For example, $100 = 80BV." You do the math! This 50 BV is not for "you" it's pass to the person above you and "bubbles up". btw, this also encourage you to recruit others, more on this on later blog.
Misc. local seminar/ training (optional) $15-30 per month. I was told online training doesn't cost anything but if it's on location there is usually a small fee to rent spaces.
okay that was fun! So now I see the "initial" cost, what is the income potential? I think I'll title my next blog "show me the money!" to look into this burning issue.
* if I miss anything just post your correction, please don't spam my inbox.